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Story Idea : "Eddy's Cousin" (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)

Link to Story Idea of "Eddy's Cousin"

Name: Sabrina

Age: 13 years old

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Romances: Double D (current); one-sided crush on OC (former), hetro

Parents: mother & father who are unmade OCs atm

Design helped by

Notes: n/a


Sabrina's best friend OC, Edna -

height comparisons

height comparisons

Sabrina is the 13 year old cousin of Eddy & his brother. She has moved into a neighborhood a few blocks away near the start of the first season. Sabrina does not know Edd, & she just vaguely remembers Ed from when they were toddlers. She & Eddy have stayed best friends since they were babies, writing to each other when she had to move away from the cul de sac. She used to live in Double Dee's house when the cousins were little. She is just young enough to be attending the same classrooms as the Eds despite their age differences.

Sabrina knows how to be feminine but prefers to show her tomboy side. Her parents still choose her outfits. She would wear more tomboy like clothing if it was her choice. Likewise with manners, she practices them around people she sees it wise to do so, but rarely uses them around her peers. She loves to write & helps the Eds develop the dialogue for their scams. She isn't dumb but she's not very smart either. She's not very street smart, but is not gullible with most things. It's hard for Eddy to prank her, & vice versa because they know each other so well. Sabrina has a soft heart deep down but usually only shows it to her inner circle, especially Eddy, because she's been hurt a lot in the past when showing it. Sabrina prefers to focus on what her friends want to do & follows them. If nothing interesting happens she will continue writing her stories & taking pictures of everything. She also loves photography, but sees it as a fun thing to mess around with. She's more open about using it. She's fascinated by Edd's massive vocabulary & tries her best to learn from him. She's a brave person who rarely shows fear, but is very insecure about her skills as a writer, & refuses to show them to anyone but Eddy for a long time. Sabrina is the type who will daydream in class but pays attention once someone (including the teacher) tries to get her to focus. She is a couch potato & likes to spend her freetime watching tv, reading comic books borrowed from Ed, or on her writing. Her favorite shows are older cartoons like Flippo or Tom & Jerry. She doesn't like to, but her parents have made her take on martial arts classes for protection of both herself and others. She has mediorce grades but she usually does not get into trouble with her parents because of them. She has been bullied some back in the city so she is not fond of school memories. She tries to ignore school but still does her work when she needs to. Though she does like to learn, she just hates being tested & on a timed schedule so much. She is the kind of kid who will wait until last minute & do a single night cram session for assignments & studies. She looks very frazzled & her pigtails are lopsided, very unkept the next morning. She often complains about constant testing & waking up so early in the morning just for school. She'd rather sleep in. Her worst subjects are History & the medical parts of Science because she's grossed out by the physical side of anatomy. She'll sometimes faint seeing certain types of pictures.

Sabrina has learned her sense of humor from Eddy & his brother, however she doesn't usually agree with the latter's. She likes to try to keep the mood lighthearted around the Eds & works with Ed to help calm things down between Edd & Eddy during their argumemts. She hates conflict but does what she can to smooth things over. Sabrina is overjoyed to find another comic book fan in Ed, & the two often really go at it with each other talking about favorite stories. She finds common ground in Edd, who she shares a mature mindset with. They often act as the 'parental figures' to both Ed & Eddy once she's more comfortable around them all. She has a fair amount of things in common with Edd, including that love for learning.

With Eddy, there's a special bond he doesn't share with another character in the show. Sabrina knows about his past, about Bro's true nature. She is VERY overprotective of him due to this. She has reluctantly agreed to keep this knowledge a secret. Sabrina does not approve of this, however she loves seeing & making her cousin happy. She does her best to encourage Eddy to be a better person, to at least do honest scams like the boys did more of in the first season. Sometimes she just rolls with things, & tries to protect him as much as she can. Especially during school, she tries to keep Eddy out of trouble with his parents.

Sabrina HATES the Kanker siblings with a passion from the start. Eddy never told her about having a "girlfriend" & they share everything! She's 100% figured out the girls are very much a one sided thing & how the Eds want nothing to do with them or their "love". Sabrina uses her martial arts skills to take them on long enough to give the Eds time to escape. The boys then use their skills while hiding to help her do the same. She's usually pretty roughed up & winded, but is mostly alright. The Kankers can overpower her if they gang up on her long enough. Sabrina especially gets into it with Lee Kanker, who keeps trying to call her their future cousin in law, & it makes her so mad! She really shows her Eddy side when Lee taunts her like this.

Sabrina has a brief one-sided romance with a boy in her neighborhood who hurts her emotionally while rejecting her confession late in season two. She spends season three recovering from this while developing a new crush on Edd. She is in denial for fear of more rejection but also of potentially causing the breakup of the five's friendship in season four. By season five Sabrina has completely accepted her crush on Edd, & has even began to show subtle flirting attempts with him. By the start of BPS they are wanting to begin dating, & the movie features many attempts before a successful first date / ask to go steady near the end of the movie. After the quicksand scene but before / as they make it to the amusement park.

Sabrina is an only child, & openly shows a good relationship with both her parents. She frequently talks about things they do together or that she sees them doing (like Eddy's dad using fertilizer, etc). They do not know about her story writing until she begins doing very well in English class upon the Eds' encouragements to use her creative skills for assisgnments more often. Her mother is proud of her skills & encourages her to stand by her friends. She suggests that Sabrina try out for the cheerleader team since she seems to become friends with the captain, Nazz. Her mother often helps her with homework after she comes home from her job in the corporate office. Sabrina's father is overprotective of both her & Eddy, & has made the decision to become a stay-at-home dad after the family returned to Peach Creek. He also encourages Sabrina on her stories once he learns about her skills. He helps his sister, Eddy's mother, give the Eds car rides to & from the families' homes on occasion. You will usually see Sabrina wave / say goodbye to him when he drops her off & sometimes visits his sister for the afternoon. Sabrina's father is very close to both kids, & makes every effort to befriend both Ed & Edd as they become constants in his daughter's life. Post-BPS, he helps all four kids get restriction orders set up against the Kanker siblings with the boys' families. He also helps his sister by homeschooling Eddy at the beginning of the next school year. He is able to get through to Eddy much better than his teachers have, because he knows his nephew very well, & what he needs to be motivated enough to learn.

Ed Edd n Eddy (C) Cartoon Network

Sabrina (C) Stacy I.

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