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Story Idea : "Eddy's Cousin" (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)

Sabrina's profile

The concept is another version of "what if the title male characters' group had a fourth member, a female tomboy?", like with April Williams. This one is for the Ed, Edd, n Eddy cartoon. Some episodes are rewritten during this story idea, in addition to "new" episodes.

Sabrina is the tomboy cousin of Eddy and Bro. A year older than Eddy, in the same grade as the cast. The story sees a bit of a prequel first, in that Sabrina has always been close to Eddy, from the very start. She knows everything that he refuses to tell the others, even Ed or Double D. She very relunctantly keeps it all secret at his pleas to do so. Out of protection for him.

Sabrina has disowned Bro herself, and refuses to speak about him, even with Eddy. The exception is to give advice, and to encourage Eddy to stop lying about him. Otherwise she stays silent when the topic comes up, with a stone cold expression the entire time. Sabrina bonds with Ed consistantly, showing fun antics between them about liking similar comic books and a mutual love for animals. She doesn't mind his scent unlike the others. She will only avoid his love for horror movies, as Bro's already introduced her to those far too early on. That's when she focuses more on her photography and writing hobbies, learning from Double D's volcabulary frequently.

She arrives via a family move 2 neighborhoods away from the main cul de sac area of the series. Sabrina becomes a regular appearance, and honorary fourth Ed immediately. She and Eddy don't miss a beat in their antics, picking up from where they last saw each other, as though no time has passed. Eddy includes her in the scams, bosses her around just as much, (she begrudgingly listens out of pure loyalty if she's against the ideas) and she'll bail him out whenever the Eds are trying to escape from problems, when she can. She will protect Eddy from threats when possible, he hides behind her first, and rather than give adviceand be "nagging" about things, she helps him navigate the situations he finds himself in. She also is the one most likely to provide consistent comfort to him, being his shoulder to lean on with no judgement. Their only real argument is over how he tries to "sell" Bro's character to the others.

Season 1 sees Sabrina acting more cold and distant to everyone else, including the other Eds. She starts to smile and be open minded to both Ed and Double D over time, bonding enough to call them new friends by season 2. She will absolutely defend all 3 from the Kanker sisters when they show up. Leaves things alone between Eddy and Kevin, sees the issue of "wimp just got saved by a girl" attitudes early on, and backs off with the other kids for the most part, despite being over protective of Eddy. She doesn't want to cause him further problems.

Season 2 sees Sabrina bond deeply with the boys, she tries to befriend Nazz after seeing how she's repeatedly nice to all 3 Eds. Same with Rolf, despite his intimidating her unintentionally. She still likes being around him though. Jimmy she started to like, but upon Eddy teaching him what Bro's methods, she tends to avoid him after that. Sarah she sees as a spoiled brat like the others do, and wants to steer clear of her too. The Kankers scare her just as much as they do the Eds. Despite this fear, Sabrina still protects the boys from them, showing karate skills learned during her time in the city. She sees a brief one sided crush on a boy she likes in her neighborhood, but he rejects her after some time of trying to get to know him.

Dealing with the negative emotions from said rejection in the second half of the season, Sabrina stops most of her efforts in making friends with the kids in their two neighborhoods. Only her budding friendship with Nazz remains intact at the Eds' encouragements. Partly to get to know her themselves, but also to help Sabrina. One episode rewrite in particular, is To Sir With Ed. The story idea sees Sabrina's and Eddy's family having always had her as his babysitter since she became old enough prior to the city move. Now that she's back in the area, they return to this setup, replacing Nazz as the babysitter in the episode.

The Rewrite sees the episode begin with Eddy wanting to take advantage of them being home alone to throw a party, with this being one of the few conflicts Sabrina is openly defiant about. She sees how terrible an idea it is, and is constantly frazzled, trying to convince Eddy to stop this nonsense. That they'll get in trouble for sure. Eddy wears her down, "claiming" that it's only going to be them and the Eds at first. But he also invites other kids, except Kevin of course, out of spite.

The boyscout scene is replaced with Sabrina answering the door, with Rolf, Johnny, and Nazz ready to enjoy the party. Jimmy and Sarah are absent due to it being at night. Kevin shows up, questions why Nazz is there like before. They answer, with Sabrina stopping the kids mid-sentence, stating that there is no party. That she wants them to leave. Eddy stops her, invites everyone in, slamming the door in Kevin's face, ending the scene. There is no teasing of needing a babysitter. Eddy and Sabrina both get in trouble via the party's antics like in canon with Ed and the chicken statue. The ending scene is Sabrina being annoyed, glaring at Eddy, with him having a stubborn angry expression, looking away from her.

Just one example of the rewrites. Nazz gets a replacement "new" episode for this one, where she, Sarah, and Sabrina attempt a sleepover, partly at the Eds' encouragement to befriend her more. Season 3 finds the foursome much more focused on Bro's stories, how Eddy is portraying him to the others, and Sabrina is increasingly annoyed by all of it. She finally blows up verbally at Eddy during "Ed, Pass It On", at which neither of their fellow Eds have any clue what she's on about. Double D questions it, which Eddy firmly denies, claiming to not know what Sabrina's furious over. Edd comforts her during this situation, and she tells him she's not willing to discuss it due to a promise she made to Eddy long ago. Double D respects this choice and does not prod her for answers any further. He does begin badgering Eddy about this more often in season 4, most shown in "An Ed is Born".

This, along with several instances like him helping with her irrational phobia of bugs (caused by Bro) in season 3, Double D becomes an increasing interest of Sabrina's, to the point even the neighborhood kids begin teasing them getting together. Sabrina of course goes beet red at this accusation, but gives no confirmation / denial of it. She remains silent with awkward coughs that more clearly become avoidant attempts than just surprise reactions.

Season 4, Sabrina's in full denial of her apparant crush on Double D. Eddy becomes aware of it midway, and immediately begins having Ed helping him in teasing her for it. Double D is either oblivious to the whole thing, (Eddy's protecting her feelings, Sabrina immediatley changing the subject with a sharp glare Eddy's way) or he does not want to risk breaking up their friend group over potential rejection, in addition to that phobia.

Season 5 shows Sabrina in the same school as everyone else. In the same class as the Eds, due to the beginning of the school year episode. This ending has Marie clearly threaten Sabrina, making Marie's knowledge of the crush clear to Sabrina. She shrinks in fear but still doesn't hold back in her fights with the Kankers. Eddy relies on Sabrina the most during school months, and she frequently helps get him out of trouble, opposing Double D's morals, causing squabbles between the latter two.

Despite this issue, it becomes just as apparent that the crush is mutual between Sabrina and Double D. With him relying on her for help more often, and showing clear trust only to her at times despite of her helping Eddy, blushing more often during interactions as the season progresses. They go to the dance together in "May I Have This Ed?", with Eddy and Ed helping to encourage both of them. They share a sweet moment at the end of the episode, replacing his reaction in the official content.

The Valentine's Day special is about the same, only sharing an additional story of Sabrina being also upset, Eddy being angry at Double D for seemingly causing this. Christmas episode features the cousins and how the two deal with Eddy's reactions to the holiday. Eds are Coming has Sabrina in full disbelief of aliens until its seemingly very clear. She will cling to Double D or Ed in absolute fear as the episode events unfold. Boo Haw Haw Halloween special has her with the Eds, rolling her eyes and just wanting to enjoy the holiday as one of her last Halloweens as a kid.


Ed Edd n Eddy (c) Cartoon Network

this au (C) Stacy I.